
Demand at Enfield’s biggest foodbank nearly three times higher than six years ago

North Enfield Foodbank issued nearly 18,000 food parcels over the past year, up from just over 6,000 in 2017/18

Volunteer picking items from food parcel list
credit Trussell Trust

The number of parcels issued by Enfield’s biggest foodbank to residents struggling with the cost of living has almost trebled in just six years, latest figures show.

North Enfield Foodbank, one of 1,699 distribution centres run by charity Trussell Trust across the UK, gave away 17,952 food parcels in 2023/24, compared to 6,291 in 2017/18.

This represents a 185% increase over six years.

The Trussell Trust network distributed more than 3.1 million emergency food parcels across the UK last year – representing a 130% rise in demand over the same six-year period.

To be eligible to receive a parcel from one of the trust’s foodbank, residents must receive a referral from a registered professional such as a GP or social worker.

Of the 17,952 parcels delivered by North Enfield Foodbank last year, 7,369 were given to children.

The only year when it has seen higher demand was during the first year of the pandemic, when it distributed 21,238 food parcels.

Commenting on the charity’s UK-wide figures, Beatrice Orchard from Trussell Trust said: “These statistics help to shine a spotlight on the extent of hardship facing communities across the UK.

“As we approach the general election we must also use them to draw attention to the solutions that can finally reverse this horrifying trend of ever-increasing foodbank need.”

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