
Edmonton pupils get to see Women’s Super League trophy after winning competition

The trophy made an appearance at Churchfield Primary School

Pupils from Churchfields with the Barclays Women's Super League trophy
Pupils from Churchfields with the Barclays Women’s Super League trophy

A prestigious national football trophy made an appearance at an Edmonton primary school to inspire budding young sports stars. 

The Barclays Women’s Super League is the top tier of women’s football in England and the trophy has been won by Chelsea five times running. 

But this month it went on tour to Churchfield Primary School in Edmonton, where pupils got the opportunity to see it. The special guest appearance was thanks to pupil Ezra Mazlum, aged seven, and his brother Zane, aged five, who won the prize in a competition. 

Peter Robotham, assistant headteacher at Churchfield, said: “Ezra and Zane went to see Arsenal Women vs Tottenham Women and while they were there, they took part in a competition. The prize was a trophy visit and the boys were really excited to bring it to their school and share the prize with their friends. There was a real buzz around the school when the trophy arrived, and the children couldn’t wait to see it.” 

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Peter hopes that the visit will inspire more young children at the school to get into sport.  

He says: “Our children love sport and take part in many competitions. However, we want to establish a girls’ football team and so far, we haven’t had enough interest. Women’s football has really grown in popularity over the last few years and hopefully this will inspire more girls at Churchfield to try the sport.”

Peter adds: “School sport is not only great for fitness, it builds self-confidence and teaches the children about teamwork. Hopefully one of the children who saw the trophy today will go on to lift it themselves in the future.”  

The Barclays Women’s Super League had its inaugural season in 2011. Since then, four teams have lifted the trophy, with reigning champions Chelsea the most successful Barclays WSL side. This year, Chelsea claimed their fifth title in a row with a 6-0 win over Manchester United.

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