
Ex-Conservative deputy leader at Enfield Civic Centre says: ‘Vote Labour!’

Lee Sanders stood down as a Tory councillor two years ago and has now thrown his full backing behind Keir Starmer in the general election

Lee Sanders tweeted his support for Labour and Keir Starmer earlier this month
Lee Sanders tweeted his support for Labour and Keir Starmer earlier this month

A former senior Conservative councillor and London Assembly candidate in Enfield has quit the Tories and is now backing Keir Starmer’s Labour Party in next week’s general election.

Lee Sanders, previously known as Lee David-Sanders, was a councillor in Enfield for eight years and at one point was the opposition group’s deputy leader. He also stood for election to the London Assembly in 2021 as a Tory candidate.

This story is published by Enfield Dispatch, Enfield's free monthly newspaper and free news website. We are a not-for-profit publication, published by a small social enterprise. We have no rich backers and rely on the support of our readers. Donate or become a supporter.

However, Lee did not seek re-election in 2022 and has since moved away from the borough, to Cambridge. In a series of social media posts this month, he revealed that he was now supporting Labour.

Lee wrote on X/Twitter: “I can’t stay quiet any longer! Conservatives have failed for the last 5 years and it is time for change! Having stood and been a councillor and candidate it is far from the party of the centre I joined and that is why I am supporting Keir Starmer and Labour on 4th July.”

The Dispatch has since approached Lee to find out more about why his political views had changed, but Lee has not responded.

In further social media posts, Lee described Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as “completely useless” for leaving the D-Day 80th anniversary events early and also called him “arrogant and entitled” while retweeting high-profile Labour supporters such as Deborah Meaden.

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