
Give lawn bowls a try in Enfield this year

Keith Comley from Holtwhites Bowls Clubs invites novices to give the sport a try

Holtwhites Bowls Club is based in Holtwhites Hill
Holtwhites Bowls Club is based in Holtwhites Hill

Traditionally bowls is viewed in England like driving a Volvo or taking a cruise for a holiday – it’s something for retired folk.

But bowls is increasingly being enjoyed by the younger generation, and there’s no reason why young people can’t join their local bowls club.

Have you recently ceased playing football, hockey, rugby, netball or golf, and find you miss sport with good facilities and a social atmosphere? Bowls is a fun sport that can be played by anyone of any age to a competitive level.

At Holtwhites Bowls Club, we have a professionally maintained green with six rinks and a clubhouse to enjoy tea, coffee, beer or wine. By playing bowls, you will be enjoying the health benefits that exercise and sport can provide as well as joining a new friendship group and the challenge of trying something new.

Holtwhites is a club for newcomers and experienced players alike; for those who want to play socially with a few friends and for those who want to play competitively at all levels.

This story is published by Enfield Dispatch, Enfield's free monthly newspaper and free news website. We are a not-for-profit publication, published by a small social enterprise. We have no rich backers and rely on the support of our readers. Donate or become a supporter.

For beginners we provide free introductory sessions and coaching. I liken bowls to golf and chess; the basics are quite simple but, to be good, well, that takes practice!

Experienced players will be free to play in club matches as well as regional and national competition. There is also the opportunity to muck-in, helping with running the club, maybe gardening the borders, helping with clubhouse maintenance, while still enjoying the social side.

This all helps build and maintain our welcoming, vibrant growing club. As a venue, we are proud to host Middlesex county matches and cup competitions.

We play casually Monday evenings, Saturday mornings and certain weekday afternoons. Matches are held weekdays, weekends and evenings. Yes, bowls is played at times to suit all!

Locally we play all summer, from mid-April through to mid-September (weather allowing, sometimes we even play into October). Would you like a try? Feel free to get in touch to find out more and put the date of our next open day – Saturday, 11th May 2024 – in your diary.

Holtwhites Bowls Club is based by the railway bridge on the corner of Holtwhites Hill and Kirkland Drive (postcode EN2 0RN). Get in touch:
Email [email protected]

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