
Khan urges Londoners to ‘unite against hate’ as Middle East conflict deepens

It comes as the mayor pledges extra £875,000 investment in grassroots community projects working to tackle hate and extremism, reports Noah Vickers, Local Democracy Reporter

Sadiq Khan (credit LDRS/Noah Vickers)

Sadiq Khan has urged Londoners to remain united “against all forms of hate” as the conflict in the Middle East deepens.

The capital’s mayor today (Tuesday 1st) announced a further £875,000 investment in grassroots community projects working to tackle hate, extremism and radicalisation.

The funding comes just ahead of the first anniversary of the outbreak of war in Israel and Gaza on 7th October. It also follows the riots and disorder seen across the UK after the killing of three young girls in Southport over the summer.

“We know that an escalation in conflict in the Middle East often leads to an increase in hate crime here in London,” said Khan.

“With the appalling further escalation of the conflict in Lebanon, Israel, Gaza and the region, I’m appealing to Londoners to continue to look out for their friends and neighbours whatever their faith and backgrounds and stand united against all forms of hate.

“We have seen an abhorrent and completely unacceptable rise in hate crime over the last year – particularly antisemitism and Islamophobia which has profoundly impacted our Jewish and Muslim communities in London. I’m determined to continue to work in partnership with community, faith and police leaders to ensure everyone in the capital feels safe and is safe.”

The need for early intervention to prevent radicalisation was highlighted earlier this month, when Home Office data revealed that a record number of children were arrested as terror suspects in the year to June. Police detained 242 people on suspicion of terror offences during the twelve month period, of which 17% (40) were aged 17 or under.

The mayor added: “Hate crime comes in many forms and I’m determined to tackle it head on by investing in grassroots projects which empower our communities to stand up to hate and intolerance where they are, so that we can stop the spread of hateful narratives, reject extremist ideologies and do more to safeguard vulnerable young Londoners from radicalisation and misinformation online.

“At a time of rising tension and online hate, this scheme will continue to build bridges across communities, embrace what we have in common and help ensure Londoners of all backgrounds and faiths feel welcome, safe and can thrive.”

According to City Hall, the £875,000 investment will support 20 groups including The Anne Frank Trust UK to deliver workshops that challenge anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim hate, and EXIT Hate UK, which works with young people aged 14-18 to help them understand the dangers posed by extreme right-wing ideologies.

The latest funding package forms part of the mayor’s Shared Endeavour Fund, and is expected to benefit around 50,000 Londoners.

Met Police assistant commissioner Matt Twist said: “Nobody should feel unsafe or in fear going about their lives in this city, certainly not on the basis of their race or religion.

“As the situation in the Middle East becomes less certain once again, we know that fears and tensions will rise here at home too. Our work, which is underpinned by engagement with community representatives and with our key partners, will continue. Together, we are determined to demonstrate that there will be no tolerance for hate crime in London.”

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