
We are delivering for Enfield residents

In our latest councillor’s column, Ponders End ward councillor Nicki Adeleke argues the Labour administration is delivering for residents

Ponders End councillor Nicki Adeleke
Ponders End councillor Nicki Adeleke (credit Enfield Council)

I got involved in politics because I wanted to make a difference, but saw the Conservatives were sending the country into a period of managed decline. I also knew that people who look like me are under-represented in local government – it’s important that our political landscape reflects the diversity of our borough.

I saw the positive difference a Labour council made in Enfield – protecting the most vulnerable in our borough and delivering great services for local residents. That’s why I was honoured to be elected as a Labour councillor for Ponders End in May 2022.

Enfield’s Labour councillors are committed to delivering a safer, cleaner, greener Enfield, and to supporting residents through the cost-of-living crisis. Since the local election, my colleagues and I have been working hard to deliver on our promises, and the Enfield Labour administration has set out its priorities in the recent council plan, Investing in Enfield, which sets out our plan for the borough over the next four years.

We have created a ‘tiny forest’ at Alma Road Recreation Ground with the planting of 600 trees and have introduced more ‘school streets’ to make it safer for young people to travel to school. We are also retrofitting homes to improve their energy efficiency, helping residents with their energy bills.

I also chair the environment forum, which links councillors and local environmental groups to discuss a wide range of topics, including air quality, our beautiful heritage sites, and the maintenance of our parks and green spaces.

Since being elected, housing is the number one issue that residents contact me about, and thanks to the Conservative government’s mishandling of the economy, mortgage rates and rents have skyrocketed, making the housing crisis worse. We need to build more homes to accommodate our growing population and we have an ongoing, ambitious regeneration programme in Ponders End to provide good-quality housing for our residents.

Fly-tipping is a scourge in our communities but we are cracking down on this with a record number of prosecutions. We continue to fund our free bulky waste collection service, which residents can use to collect furniture and non-electronic goods from their homes.

We are also working with the Lawn Tennis Association to refurbish the tennis courts in Ponders End Recreation Ground, ensuring local residents have access to great spaces for our residents to play tennis in their communities.

Despite the considerable economic challenges caused by the Conservative government, the Labour-run administration continues to deliver for the residents of Enfield. I will continue to speak up for the residents of Ponders End and work to deliver a safer, cleaner, greener Enfield.

Nicki Adeleke represents Ponders End alongside Mohammad Islam (both Labour). To get in touch:
Email:  [email protected]
Mobile:  07583115861

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