
Edmonton primary school named among best in the UK

Woodpecker Hall Primary Academy and Nursery is now in the final six of a competition to name the country’s best primary school

Woodpecker Hall Primary Academy & Nursery
Pupils and staff from Woodpecker Hall Primary Academy and Nursery with their award

A primary school in Edmonton has won a prestigious national education award.

Woodpecker Hall Primary Academy and Nursery in Cuckoo Hall Lane won a silver award in the ‘UK Primary School of the Year’ category of the Pearson National Teaching Awards.

This recognition is only given to the “very best in education, celebrating fantastic schools and dedicated teachers across the nation”.

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This year, Woodpecker, a member of North Star Community Trust, stood out among more than 300 competing schools in this category.

The school has advanced as a finalist and will now compete in the final stage of the awards this November. Woodpecker is one of only six schools now vying for the gold award and the overall title of ‘UK Primary School of the Year’.

In recognition of the journey to the final six, a special trophy has been presented to headteacher Nicky Ross, who said: “We are immensely proud of this achievement.

“The award shows the hard work and dedication of our entire school community – our exceptional children, supportive families, and our incredibly talented team of teachers and support staff.”

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