
Empowering Enfield’s young voices

Victoria Thompson introduces a new social enterprise aiming to give young people the confidence to shape their local environment

Youth Made Place CIC is run by Joseph Aggar (left), founder Victoria Thompson (centre) and Jacqui Glover (right)
Youth Made Place CIC is run by Joseph Aggar (left), founder Victoria Thompson (centre) and Jacqui Glover (right)

A remarkable not-for-profit organisation has burst on to the scene, driven by the unwavering commitment of three passionate Enfield residents; Jacqui Glover, Joseph Aggar and myself.

Youth Made Place CIC is a trailblazing initiative aiming to empower young people with the ability to shape their environments. I decided to establish the organisation after my experience as an urban design professional and as a design and technology teacher spanning 14 years propelled me to address the prevailing lack of meaningful engagement with young minds.

We are embarking on a mission to revolutionise the way young people are involved in decision-making processes that impact their communities. As its founder, I was determined to create a platform where the voices of youth would be heard, valued, and seamlessly integrated into the fabric of their surroundings.

Fuelled by a deep-seated disappointment resulting from the absence of genuine engagement with young individuals, I recognised the immense potential for transformative change. I witnessed first-hand the missed opportunities in planning processes, where the perspectives and insights of young people were often not being achieved.

As a design and technology teacher, I knew that their voices held immense value and had the power to shape environments in innovative and impactful ways.

Youth Made Place represents a ground-breaking endeavour, firmly rooted in the belief that empowering young minds and involving them in co-design, consultation, and engagement processes will pave the way for inclusive, vibrant, and sustainable communities.

Through workshops, interactive sessions, and design charrettes, Youth Made Place provides a platform for young people to actively participate in shaping their built environment. By involving young minds in the decision-making processes, Youth Made Place cultivates a sense of ownership, pride, and civic responsibility, instilling in them the belief that their opinions matter and their ideas can shape the world around them.

With our blend of urban design and planning expertise and educational acumen, Youth Made Place envisions a future where the voices of young individuals resonate throughout planning and design decisions. By empowering them to influence the environments of tomorrow, we are seeking to create a legacy of inclusive spaces that celebrate diversity, spark innovation, and nurture a sense of belonging within communities.

As Youth Made Place gains momentum, we are inviting schools, colleges and youth groups in Enfield to join forces in this transformative mission. Together, we can empower young voices, elevate community engagement, and shape a brighter future for all.

Let’s unite in harnessing the potential of our young people and build a world where their dreams become reality.

Find out more about Youth Made Place CIC and get involved:
Email [email protected]
Visit youthmadeplace.co.uk

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