
Enfield Council leader selected for safe Labour seat

Nesil Caliskan has been chosen to run for the party in Barking after the previous candidate was forced to step down reports Grace Howarth, Local Democracy Reporter

Enfield Labour leader Nesil Caliskan

Nesil Caliskan has been selected as the Labour Party’s parliamentary candidate for Barking at the upcoming election on 4th July. 

The Enfield Council leader posted on social media: “I am honoured to be the Labour candidate for Barking at this coming election on 4th July. I’m excited to play  my part in delivering a Labour government and I promise to work hard for every vote.”

Cllr Caliskan, who became leader in 2018, has not yet confirmed if she will step down from her role at Enfield Council.

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The announcement comes after the previous MP for Barking, Margaret Hodge, who held the position for nearly 30 years, stepped down in May. 

Margaret posted on social media today (5th June):“After nearly 30 years as the MP for Barking, in east London, it seemed right to pass the baton to a new generation.”

Barking is regarded as a safe Labour seat, with Margaret winning a majority of over 15,000 in 2019.

If Cllr Caliskan is elected she will be the first Turkish Cypriot MP in parliament. A member Labour’s national executive committee (NEC) the governing body of the UK Labour Party, her candidacy was endorsed by the body following the stepping down of Darren Rodwell following  allegations of sexual harassment

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