
Help support our volunteer-led community cinema

David Williamson on how local people can help Talkies Community Cinema support more budding filmmakers

Talkies commissions short films
Talkies commissions short films

Readers may already be familiar with Talkies Community Cinema, based in Palmers Green. We screen world and independent films monthly at Dugdale Arts Centre in Enfield Town and at Waterhouse Hall in Winchmore Hill.

Our events are entirely managed by volunteers, and there is often an opportunity to meet scriptwriters, directors or actors who come to talk about their film during the showing.

What you may not know is that, annually, Talkies also commissions short films – 39 of them to date. The commissions generally open to early career film-makers in May or June and the awards are announced in early October.

This year we have three short films in development which were shown at our premiere on 16th March, along with a documentary about Edmonton’s covered market which has been supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

These shorts are partly funded by the subscriptions of the ‘friends’ of Talkies, which is our scheme for people who want to do something extra for us. Unlike many organisations we don’t offer any benefits to friends other than the warm fuzzy feeling you get from something worthwhile.

But some friends have also volunteered on shoots and have appeared as extras; this year as taxi passengers in our short film Where to?. Wrestling an inflatable dinosaur into the taxi was a high point!

At the premiere screening of the films it’s always fun spotting the Palmers Green locations, with Broomfield Park being particularly popular. Several have gone on to win national and international awards at festivals, and it is heart-warming seeing the young film-makers we have championed going on to make their way in television and film – Charlotte Regan’s 2023 debut feature and Bafta-nominated film Scrapper is the most recent example.

If you have been to a Talkies showing and enjoyed it, please consider joining us as a friend. If you haven’t, please give Talkies Community Cinema a try!

For more information about supporting Talkies and to see what events are coming up:

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