
New book celebrates Windrush generation

Roy Edwards from Enfield Caribbean Association on the launch of the charity’s first major publication

Margaret Obomanu, a Palmers Green resident who emigrated from Nigeria in 1963, is one of the people featured in the new book
Margaret Obomanu, a Palmers Green resident who emigrated from Nigeria in 1963, is one of the people featured in the new book

Enfield Caribbean Association (ECA) has launched its first major publication, promoting the voices of people who came to the UK from the Caribbean and Africa.

Windrush Voices – 20 Stories of Determination and Triumph encompasses the life stories of 20 individuals who came to live in this country because of the British government’s call for workers in the transport system, postal service, and health service following the Second World War.

Those who answered the call came not just to help to rebuild Britain, but ultimately to build a better future for themselves and their children.

The book shares the individual stories of their lives in their home countries before they left, their journeys to the UK, their early experiences, the difficulties they faced and their successes in life.

According to Oveta McInnis, chair of Enfield Caribbean Association: “It is an important historical document which has recorded the lives and contributions that African and Caribbean people made to the UK.”

A documentary film has been produced alongside the book and was shown at a launch event last month at Millfield Theatre.

Human rights activist Sir Geoff Palmer also gave his verdict: “The book contains historical stories that movingly recalls the lives and work done by members of the Windrush generation. The aim of this excellent book has been realised.”

ECA is a charity established in 1986 and works to eliminate racial discrimination and for an inclusive, fair and equal community, in which people of African and Caribbean origin can develop their full potential as visible, positive contributors and participants in Enfield and beyond.

At the heart of our core values are working for racial equality, valuing diversity and building good community relations.

For more information about the book and about Enfield Caribbean Association:
020 8373 6388
Email [email protected]
Visit enfieldcaribbeanassoc.org.uk

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