Thanks to support from LocalMotion, Enfield Dispatch is now printing an extra 5,000 copies solely for readers in the east of the borough
The east/west divide in Enfield borough remains stark, with huge disparities when it comes to employment, health, education and housing, to name a few.
LocalMotion is part of a social, economic and environmental justice movement, by and for communities, working in six places across the UK – including Enfield.
Every month, LocalMotion Enfield is now producing a page in the print edition of the Dispatch to help shine a spotlight on some of the voices from the community and important work taking place, with an emphasis on the east of the borough.
The Dispatch is distributed via news stands, libraries, cafes, doctor’s surgeries and other community venues, but because of there being greater demand for copies in the west, has tended to distribute more copies to this side of the borough – until now.
Thanks to LocalMotion, this is about to change. With their support, an extra 5,000 copies of the Dispatch are now being printed with the sole aim of reaching more people in the east of the borough, to help spread awareness of community activities in these areas.
Paul Everitt, co-ordinator of LocalMotion Enfield, explains: “LocalMotion Enfield is concerned about the equity gap between the east and west of the borough of Enfield, including the quality of information that is available to people living in the east.
“We are delighted to be working with Enfield Dispatch to make sure our local community newspaper is easily accessible to everyone in our community, providing a much-needed platform where their voice is heard and their concerns are properly reflected.”
For more information about where you can find copies of the Dispatch:
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