
Bus strike called off after new pay offer

Drivers had been due to walk out on four days this month

Buses in Enfield Town (credit Enfield Council)
Buses in Enfield Town (credit Enfield Council)

Bus strikes involving 1,700 bus drivers employed by Arriva on North London and East London bus routes have suspended planned strike action following an improved pay offer.

The drivers were due to stage walk outs on 20th, 21st, 27th and 28th June. However, following extended pay talks last week, the employer made an improved pay offer. Unite has suspended the industrial action while the drivers are balloted on the offer.

Unite regional officer Steve Stockwell said: “From the outset Unite has been clear that Arriva could and should make an improved offer and that has proved to be the case.

“It is now up to our members to decide if the offer is sufficient to meet their expectations.”

If the pay offer is rejected then Unite has said it will announce fresh industrial action.

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