
Charity launches Enfield Town teddy bear hunt

The teddies will be hidden throughout Palace Gardens Shopping Centre in Enfield Town

A teddy bear hunt is taking place this week in Enfield Town to celebrate a charity’s 40th anniversary.

Members of the Enfield branch of University of the Third Age (U3A) have
knitted the teddy bears and will be distributing them in shops around Palace Gardens Shopping Centre for ‘hunters’ to find, starting from Wednesday 21st September and continuing for one week.

The bear hunt is part of celebrations to mark 40 years of U3A branches in the UK. Enfield U3A will also have an information stall in Palace Gardens tomorrow (Wednesday) and sessions showcasing the different activities available for members at the Culture Palace on Saturday, 24th September.

U3A uses the skills and experience of members to provide continuing social and educational activities for older people who are no longer in full-time employment. Research shows that staying actively involved with the community has positive health and wellbeing benefits for older people.

To take part in the teddy bear hunt visit the Enfield U3A website:

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