
Council wins £532k lottery funding for Broomfield House project

First-stage funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund will allow Enfield Council to develop detailed plans for ‘memorialising’ the historic house in Palmers Green

Broomfield House (credit Enfield Council)
Broomfield House (credit Enfield Council)

Enfield Council’s plans to ‘memorialise’ Broomfield House and upgrade other areas of Broomfield Park have won first-stage lottery funding of more than half-a-million pounds.

The award from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for the ‘Unlocking Broomfield Park for the Community’ project means the council can now develop detailed plans.

It was announced in September 2022 that the council was submitting a bid for lottery money after several other attempts to repair and restore the burnt-out shell of Broomfield House failed to attract the money needed.

Now deemed to be beyond repair, the historic house will instead be demolished and memorialised, while other improvements will help “reinvigorate” Broomfield Park in Palmers Green – including landscaping and a restoration of the park’s unique Baroque water garden.

The project development funding of £532,490 will allow the council to progress its plans to apply for a full National Lottery grant of £3,672,231 at a later date.

Broomfield House dates back to the 16th Century and was originally owned by John Broomfield, a leather merchant. The house has been used for various purposes over the centuries but remained derelict following a series of fires in 1984, 1993, 1994 and 2019. The building is now surrounded by scaffolding, with more than 80% of the historic fabric lost. Elements of its interior were saved and are currently in storage.

The lottery project has been developed by the council in collaboration with the Friends of Broomfield Park, Broomfield House Trust, The Enfield Society, Southgate District Civic Voice, and councillors who helped steer and shape the application.

Chinelo Anyanwu, the council’s cabinet member for open spaces, culture and local economy, said: “Enfield Council is committed to nurturing our arts, heritage and creative sectors to connect people through culture.

“During the development phase of this project, the council will work with the local community to produce a shared vision for the memorialisation of Broomfield House and its integration back into the historic park.

“For too many years, the shell of the house has stood with little purpose and no connection to the people who use the park. This project will finally address the issue of the house and reinvigorate the area while acknowledging its importance to the people of Enfield.”

Local people will be encouraged to get involved in a range of activities including heritage and nature-themed health and wellbeing schemes; a community archaeology dig; a mural hoardings project and engagement with young people in decisions about the park.

Stuart McLeod from The National Lottery Heritage Fund said: “We believe that investing in heritage means investing in the community it belongs to. It has the power to make our communities better places to live, bringing a sense of pride of place and this project in Enfield is no exception.

“It will not only see this Grade 2 listed park brought back to life but also engage with its community in new ways. We look forward to working with the team to progress their plans to apply for a full grant at a later date.”

Colin Younger, chair of Broomfield House Trust which has been fighting to save the building, told the Dispatch: “It is very good news. It will break a logjam we have been stuck with for many years.

“We are sad it has not been possible to restore or renovate the house but that was clearly not going to be fundable.”

For more information on the Broomfield House project:

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