
Edmonton estate agents fined over failure to license property

Gracechurch Property Services has been prosecuted by Enfield Council over the breach

Gracechurch Property Services in Great Cambridge Road (credit Google)
Gracechurch Property Services in Great Cambridge Road (credit Google)

An estate agents in Edmonton has been ordered to pay more than £10,000 in fines and costs after it was caught managing a property without a licence.

Gracechurch Property Services Ltd, of Great Cambridge Road, was prosecuted by Enfield Council for breaching its property licensing rules.

On 15th June 2023, the property management and letting agency was convicted for managing a privately rented property that was required to be licensed under the council’s selective licensing scheme.

Gracechurch Property Services received a £7,500 fine and was ordered to pay £1,299 in costs with an additional £2,000 victim surcharge (a total of £10,799), during a recent sentencing hearing at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court.

Susan Erbil, Enfield Council’s cabinet member for licensing, planning and regulatory services, said: “It is disappointing to see landlords breaking the law by not obtaining the legally required licence to let their properties.

“The council’s successful prosecution of Gracechurch Property Services Limited should be wake up call to all unscrupulous landlords who do not comply with the law.

“There are many law-abiding landlords in the private rented sector in the borough, and the council is here to help and advise them to ensure their properties reach the required standards and are properly licensed.

“My advice to landlords would be to get in touch with the council today if you have any questions on property licensing.”

The law places responsibility for licensing on anyone who is a person managing or in control of a privately-rented property. This includes property management and letting agents and is not just the responsibility of landlords.

Selective licensing in Enfield applies to all privately rented residential properties occupied by one or two persons, or single family households, in 14 areas of the borough. 

For further information on the selective licensing scheme and to apply for a licence:

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