
Edmonton industrial estate set to be sold off by council

Claverings Industrial Estate, Edmonton (credit Google)
Claverings Industrial Estate, Edmonton (credit Google)

Council seeks to profit from Claverings Industrial Estate sale, reports Simon Allin, Local Democracy Reporter

An industrial estate owned by Enfield Council could be sold off in a drive to cut costs and move more staff to town centres.

Claverings Industrial Estate in Edmonton could be redeveloped “to provide modern, energy-efficient employment space”, according to a council report.

The report says work to bring the 1950s estate up to the necessary energy efficiency standards would cost £19million and redevelopment would be “more viable”.

Cabinet members agreed the principle of its sale last week as part of the council’s ‘build the change’ programme, which is designed to enable the local authority to work from “fewer but better-equipped buildings”.

Mary Maguire, cabinet member for finance, told the meeting: “Claverings Industrial Estate was built in the 1950s and is no longer fit for purpose.

“Life has moved on, technology has moved on, the way we work has moved on, and what residents expect has moved on.”

The council occupies 39% of the industrial estate and leases the rest to businesses and other organisations. Council staff currently working on the estate will be moved to the civic centre in Enfield Town.

Cllr Maguire added: “Disposal for redevelopment is the most sensible option. As part of any sale or redevelopment, the cabinet agrees the council will stipulate conditions to ensure possible occupiers are accommodated in new premises as part of that phased development.

“We have also got Montagu Industrial Estate, where redevelopment started this spring, and there may be opportunities for businesses and organisations to relocate there.”

Council leader Nesil Caliskan said it was the right thing to do for residents who “need to receive the support of the council and deserve to be able to find themselves in an environment that is fit for purpose”.

Following the discussion, cabinet members unanimously agreed the report. The proposed disposal route for the estate and business case will be set out in a future report to cabinet.

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