
Edmonton runner with learning disability takes on London Marathon

Christopher Reid was inspired to take up running by Mo Farah during London 2012

London Marathon runners crossing Tower Bridge last year and (inset) Christopher Reid

A runner from Edmonton who has a learning disability is raising thousands of pounds for Mencap as he prepares to take on his first London Marathon.

Christopher Reid, who also has bipolar disorder, was inspired to take up running ten years ago when watching Mo Farah at the London 2012 Olympic Games. He is now a member of Newham Running Club and has previously run a marathon in East Sussex.

But Christopher says it was always his dream to run the London Marathon and that he had been trying to secure a place on the start line for years. This year he finally won a place in the 26-mile race on 2nd October through the learning disability charity Mencap.

The 25-year-old, who lives at a supported living scheme in Edmonton Green, told the Dispatch: “I am raising money for Mencap because they have helped me when I have been really struggling and been really low.

“They made me the person I am today.”

Christopher has already raised £2,175 for Mencap on his fundraising page, which explains that people with a learning disability face inequalities in every area of life “with almost one in three young people with a learning disability spending less than one hour outside their home on a typical Saturday”.

He says people like him face barriers finding a job, accessing activities in their local community and receiving high-quality healthcare but that Mencap provides support in a way that meets individual needs and encourages greater independence.

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