
Four new ‘school streets’ across Enfield bring borough’s total to 24

School streets improve road safety and encourage more pupils to walk, cycle and scoot to school

Rick Jewell and Chesterfield Primary School pupils
Rick Jewell and Chesterfield Primary School pupils

Four new ‘school streets’ have been installed at primary schools in Enfield to improve road safety for children.

Chesterfield, Bowes, Latymer All Saints and Prince of Wales primary schools all now benefit from temporary traffic restrictions that restrict motor vehicles from roads around the school gates during times when pupils are arriving and leaving each day.

As well as improving road safety, school streets aim to encourage more pupils to walk, cycle and scoot to school safely, while also improving air quality.

Rick Jewell, cabinet member for transport and waste at Enfield Council, visited Chesterfield Primary School in Enfield Lock this week to meet pupils and parents to find out how the new scheme is making a positive impact to pupils’ journeys to and from school.

Cllr Jewell said: “The council is committed to introducing more School Streets across the borough to create a greener Enfield.

“School streets help to tackle air pollution and create safer routes to school which is why I’m delighted we are introducing a further four school streets in the borough.

“We will continue to plan more school streets in areas where they are most needed. We always work closely with parents and schools along with nearby residents, as we progress new schemes.”

The new school streets are enforced by automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) camera systems. Residents living within school street zones are eligible for an exemption from the restrictions.

A total of 24 school streets are now in operation across the borough and there are plans for more to be rolled out in the near future.

In addition to introducing four new school streets, the council has recently installed cycle parking at seven schools to enable students to scoot or cycle to school and have dedicated space to park their scooters and bikes.

For further information on School Streets in Enfield:

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