
Green-fingered Enfield student wins environment award

Khushi Matoo
Khushi Matoo is a student at Oasis Academy Hadley

An Enfield student has been commended by a national charity for her efforts to help the environment.

The Jack Petchey Environmental Award recognises young people from London and Essex who do great things for the environment in their area and the most recent winner is a Khushi Matoo, aged 17, who is a sixth-form student at Oasis Academy Hadley in Ponders End.

Khushi has been environmentally aware since her first year of secondary school. She joined the school’s eco committee, where she sought to make changes that benefit the environment and the whole school, and during her GCSEs Khushi was also involved in a big litter-picking project around her local area. During her ongoing A-levels, Khushi has helped with tree planting both at her school and in local parks.

Upon receiving the award, Khushi said: “I am so glad that on top of all the amazing work the Jack Petchey Foundation already does, they recognise the commitment to the sustainability of the environment. I hope this inspires more young people to make a change in the local area!”

Enfield Dispatch membership appeal

Young people are nominated for a Jack Petchey Environmental Award by members of the public via Jack Petchey Foundation’s website and winners are awarded a special certificate, badge and a letter from Sir Jack Petchey himself, in recognition of their commitment to building a greener future.

Gemma Juma, chief executive officer of Jack Petchey Foundation, said: “At the Jack Petchey Foundation, young people inspire us all the time with the incredible work they do. We want to recognise more young people across London and Essex doing inspirational things to improve their local environment. We hope these environmental awards will motivate others and showcase the positive things young people do every day to help create a sustainable future.”

People wishing to nominate a young person for a Jack Petchey Foundation Environmental Award can do so via the charity’s website:

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