
Justice for James

Murdered dad James Amadu pictured with his young daughter
Murdered dad James Amadu pictured with his young daughter

Two teenagers have been jailed over the violent death of James Amadu in October 2019 – one for murder and another for manslaughter.

Nineteen-year-old Romeo Mapeza, of Watermill Lane in Edmonton, was found guilty of murder, violent disorder and possession of an offensive weapon in his trial last year and was sentenced at the Old Bailey last month. He received life imprisonment with a minimum term of 20 years.

Another teenager, a boy from Enfield aged 16, was found guilty of manslaughter and violent disorder and has been sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. The youth cannot be named for legal reasons.

During the case in October last year, the court heard how James had been stabbed by Mapeza following a confrontation near a block of flats in Blossom Lane. Police had been called just after 1pm on 31st October 2019 to reports of a stabbing but did not find any victim when they arrived. A short time later, James arrived by himself at a local hospital, but died at 2.21pm from a single stab wound.

Officers were able to determine that Mapeza had stabbed James following a “shocking and fast paced” violent dispute between different groups. He was arrested on 1st November 2019 and charged with murder.

James was a father of a young daughter and had recently launched a clothing business at the time of his death. Detective Chief Inspector Laurence Smith said: “This was a piece of appalling violence on a quiet Thursday afternoon that brought terror to local residents.

“The participants didn’t care who was nearby and sadly this shocking violence led to the death of James Amadu.

“I would like to thank those who came forward to assist the police in this investigation.”

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