
Man jailed for unprovoked knife attack on cyclist in Edmonton

Lewis Livingstone stabbed the cyclist as he attempted to steal his bike in Fore Street during the middle of the day

CCTV captures the moment Lewis Livingstone attacks a Deliveroo rider
CCTV captures the moment Lewis Livingstone attacks a cyclist

A man who stabbed a cyclist in a horrific unprovoked knife attack in broad daylight has been jailed after detectives secured vital evidence to charge and remand him within 24 hours of the incident.

Lewis Livingstone, aged 19 and of Wellington Road, Enfield, was sentenced to six and a half years’ imprisonment at Hendon Magistrates’ Court having pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to attempted robbery and possession of a bladed article.

He was also subject to a suspended sentence for a previous offence for which he will now have to serve the 18 month sentence, bringing the total to eight years’ imprisonment.

The court heard that the victim, then aged 28, was riding his bicycle home when the incident happened at around 4.26pm on Saturday, 1st July 2023 in Fore Street, Angel Edmonton

Livingstone, who was stood at a bus stop, leapt out at the victim and kicked him, forcing him off his bicycle. He then unsheathed a large knife and chased the victim away from the bicycle. He mounted it and brandished the knife again at the victim when he re-approached.

The victim tackled Livingstone to prevent his bicycle from being stolen. As they lay on the floor Livingstone retrieved his knife and stabbed the victim in the abdomen in front of scores of horrified onlookers.

The victim screamed for help and sustained further knife injuries to his hands as he desperately tried to defend himself. Members of the public bravely intervened to stop Livingstone and he was held as police rushed to the scene and arrested him minutes later.

When asked why he had done it, one witness said Livingstone simply responded: “Is he dead?”

The victim was given first aid at the scene before being taken to hospital, where, thankfully, his injuries were assessed as not life-threatening or life-changing.

The investigative team worked quickly to charge Livingstone within 24 hours. He was remanded in custody.

Investigating officer Detective Constable James Hunt said: “The victim continues to suffer with the physical and psychological impact of this incident. He was going about his day, having just bought some food, when he was thrust into a terrible ordeal.

“I know he is incredibly grateful to the people who came to his aid. Were it not for their bravery, this incident could potentially have been far worse.

“It’s a good example of the community coming forward and working together with the police following a serious crime. Those valuable witnesses, combined with other investigative work, were key in helping us quickly charge and remand Livingstone.”

Livingstone tried to claim he was acting in self-defence but this was easily disproved by detectives. Alongside CCTV, they gathered a wealth of witness statements and carried out forensic work that would prove his guilt.

In a victim impact statement, the victim said: “I believe this man was going to kill me, had the people not come to my rescue.

“I am still not over the shock and fear. I spent the night in hospital having nightmares. I still have a lot of pain on my side and hands as a result of being stabbed. I am now in the queue waiting for surgery on my hands.”

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