
New boxing gym opens with free sessions for Edmonton kids

Hopes new facility will help steer young people away from anti-social behaviour and crime, reports Philbert Osei-Wusu

The new boxing gym offers daily free sessions for youngsters in Edmonton
The new boxing gym offers daily free sessions for youngsters in Edmonton

A new boxing and fitness room has been launched at an Edmonton youth centre as part of a project aiming to deter teenagers from joining gangs.

The new facility has opened at Northside Youth and Community Connexions (NYCC), a local charity which describes itself as “Enfield’s largest up-and-coming youth and community provision”. Based at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, NYCC aims to make positive changes to the borough with a range of projects and activities that are catered to helping young people in the community become confident and proud of who they are as individuals.

The boxing and fitness room was launched through a partnership between NYCC and Ignite Foundation, the charity arm of Enfield-based logistics firm Ignite. Ignite director Terry Mordecai has a vision to tackle gang crime in Edmonton that he says is “robbing children of their youth”, but he adds: “Having grown up in the area during 1980s and 90s, there is a love and passion for the community.”

Terry reached out to colleagues and friends to support his vision of providing a free boxing gym in Edmonton, which is how he met with NYCC, which is already home to many facilities including a dance studio, games room, recording studio and film and camera workshop.

Christopher McCoy, director of NYCC, said: “Individually we can do good work but together we can do great work, which is why for us it’s about working and partnering with organisations.”

Pictured at the boxing gym launch are Ignite Foundation director Terry Mordecai (centre) and NYCC director Christopher McCoy (right)
Pictured at the boxing gym launch are Ignite Foundation director Terry Mordecai (centre) and NYCC director Christopher McCoy (right)

Both NYCC and Ignite Foundation say they share the same values and objectives and Ignite is now funding organised gym sessions at NYCC on a daily basis, led by a professional coach. On a visit to the gym last week, the Dispatch spoke to some of the excited youngsters taking part, with one saying he was “excited to learn about boxing”.

Christopher adds that NYCC has major ambitions to expand its site at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre and even open new sites in neighbouring areas. He says: “Once completed, this youth centre will be the largest in London; our goal is to open a new building every year.”

It’s hoped the new gym will bring more people to NYCC as boxing teaches discipline, fitness and focus, seen as vital tools which Ignite Foundation wants to instill and nurture with youngsters in Edmonton.

For more information about NYCC:

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