
New indoor track launched at Lee Valley Athletics Centre

Tracked refurbished by Lee Valley Regional Park Authority at cost of £480,000

The new indoor track at Lee Valley Athletics Centre (credit @discigabi)
The new indoor track at Lee Valley Athletics Centre (credit @discigabi)

Lee Valley Athletics Centre has completed refurbishment works on its indoor track following a £480,000 investment.

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA), which owns the sports facility in Pickett’s Lock, has installed a new “lightning fast” Mondotrack synthetic track system for the venue’s indoor six-lane 200-metre oval track, the upstairs 130m straight, as well as the centre’s throws, pole vault, long and triple jump areas.

Designed to host the highest level of competition, Mondotrack is said to be “the most technologically advanced track surface in the world”, meaning that athletes in the area will benefit from “elite level facilities”.

The eight-week long project was finished in September after a survey by sports surface consultants highlighted that some areas of the track were heavily worn and upgrades would be needed in order for the venue to continue to meet the international standards required to host competitions and remain one of the best athletics centres in the UK. 

The £480,000 investment for the new track surface came from LVRPA, which owns a number of sports sites in the Lea Valley, including several Olympic venues used for London 2012.

Shaun Dawson, chief executive at LVRPA, said: “Like many of our venues, Lee Valley Athletics Centre was designed with both Olympic standard and community use in mind. We are committed to ensuring that the centre remains a hub for sport and activities for athletes of all levels – from future Olympians to schools and community groups.

“The new track upgrade means that, not only will professional athletes have the very best facilities to train on in preparation for competitions, but everyone in the area will also have the chance to try athletics in a world-class training venue.”

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Lee Valley Athletics Centre is the largest indoor and outdoor athletics centre in the south of England. It first opened to the public back in 2007 and has attracts a wide following from elite athletes and gym users to local clubs and schools.

The venue has also played a pivotal role in growing new talent and helping to nurture the next generation of Olympic athletes.  It has been the training base for Olympic medallists such as sprinter Jonnie Peacock, track and field athlete Greg Rutherford and two-time British Olympian, Natasha Danvers. In addition, the venue often welcomes other top athletes such as Dina Asher-Smith and Asher Phillips for training sessions.

Gavin Pearce, the centre’s general manager, said: “It is incredible to see the new track being used by both elite athletes and community clubs. Lee Valley Athletics Centre has always catered for all abilities and the new indoor track surface will ensure the whole community can continue to run, jump and throw at a world class venue.”

To find out more about Lee Valley Athletics Centre and upcoming athletics competitions:

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