
Shopping mall revamp planned

A sketch showing how the revamp of Edmonton Green could look
A sketch showing how the revamp of Edmonton Green could look

New homes included in proposal for Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, reports James Cracknell

The owners of Edmonton Green Shopping Centre have announced a major revamp, including plans to build new homes.

Crosstree Real Estate Partners bought the site for £72million in late 2018 and is now pushing ahead with a large-scale redevelopment – although the three big tower blocks there at present will remain. As well as the main indoor shopping mall, the site includes several car parks and a covered market, all of which will be part of the revamp. Detailed plans have not yet been revealed but a planning application is due to be submitted shortly.

Crosstree launched a virtual exhibition last month to share its thinking behind the early plans for the centre’s redevelopment. It followed a series of drop-in sessions earlier this year where people were encouraged to give their thoughts on the future of Edmonton Green. The company is now working with LDS Architects to prepare the designs to “revitalise and improve” Edmonton Green so it becomes a “vibrant destination” for the local community. It says the proposals aim to address issues with anti-social behaviour and include three key features; new public spaces and redesigned streets, a new purpose-built market building; and new homes.

Any development is expected to take several years to come to fruition and would be started at the south car park, to avoid disruption to the main shopping centre. Matt Mason, partner at Crosstree, said: “Edmonton Green Shopping Centre is a local hub for the community that has a lot of potential.

“During the past year we have been engaging with local communities to understand what is important to them, how we can improve the centre, and how they would like it to look in future. We are now able to share our emerging plans and would really like to hear people’s feedback, which will help inform the next phase of design.”

Further public exhibitions and engagement events are planned prior to the submission of a planning application to Enfield Council later this year.

For more information and to get in touch with Crosstree:
Call 020 8803 4414
Email [email protected]

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