
Southgate landmarks get colourful makeovers

Twin art installations form part of Enfield Winter Lights Festival

Southgate Station after Dan Maier's colourful makeover
Southgate Station after Dan Maier’s colourful makeover

Two Southgate landmarks have been given a colourful makeover by a local artist, as part of a borough-wide arts festival.

Dan Maier has covered both The Southgate Club, which recently celebrated its 200th anniversary, and Southgate Station, regarded as one of the finest tube station buildings in London, with her signature brightly-coloured geometric patterns.

The 1960s-inspired design was first used in Southgate in 2020, when Dan was commissioned to create a new artistic pedestrian crossing for Chase Side.

Positive feedback from the crossing led the organisers of the ongoing Enfield Winter Lights Festival to invite Dan to create a similar design for The Southgate Club and – at very short notice because of the difficulty of gaining permission from Transport for London – the Grade 2*-listed tube station building.

The Southgate Club lit up by Dan Maier's colourful design (credit Natalie Gee)
The Southgate Club lit up by Dan Maier’s colourful design (credit Natalie Gee)

Dan said: “My artwork has been designed not only to brighten up our town centre, but to highlight these beautiful buildings.”

Dan is also known for her knitted chandeliers, which sold through Harvey Nichols, Liberty’s and John Lewis, and for adorning the Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras with 44 illuminated textile sculptures.

Enfield Winter Lights Festival involves numerous artist takeovers of buildings and empty shops, plus workshops and pop-up displays. It runs until 26th March. For the full festival programme:

For more information about Dan Maier and to get in touch:
[email protected]

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