
Sudden nursery closure leaves Enfield parents ‘devastated’

Cedar Park Nursery told shocked parents last night that it would be entering administration and closing permanently, reports James Cracknell

The entrance to Cedar Park Nursery and (inset) Enfield North MP Feryal Clark, who has slammed the closure
The entrance to Cedar Park Nursery and (inset) Enfield North MP Feryal Clark, who has slammed the closure

An Enfield nursery has been slammed by parents and a local MP after closing down with just one day’s notice.

Cedar Park Day Nursery, which operates from Wolverton in Hadley Road, informed parents only yesterday (Tuesday 28th) that it would be closing permanently and that they would need to find alternative childcare arrangements.

Several parents have contacted the Dispatch to say they are “shocked”, “devastated” and “distressed” by the news. The nursery itself has not responded to a request for comment but in its letter sent to parents explained that it had “exhausted all options” for remaining open and would be entering administration.

On Facebook, Enfield North MP Feryal Clark slammed the sudden closure and said: “Absolutely heartbroken for parents who have just been told by Cedar Park Nursery that their nursery is shutting down tonight!

“The owners of this nursery clearly knew they were in financial trouble before tonight but chose not to tell or give notice to tens of parents.

“Loads of kids have no childcare from tomorrow with parents left looking for last minute nursery places! This is disgusting behaviour.”

Parent Andrew Rixon said: “Our two-year-old has been at Cedar Park and you can imagine that shock, sadness and deep frustration to be informed with no notice of this closure.

“What has also come to light across the day is the manner in which this closure – citing bankruptcy – has been handled […] Staff had no notice, have lost their jobs and have not been paid for their work in May.”

In her message to parents explaining the closure, Cedar Park director Leslie Beech said: “It is with great sadness that we must announce the permanent closure of our nursery at Wolverton effective immediately.

“This decision has not been taken lightly and it comes after much deliberation and consideration of all possible options to keep our nursery going. We have been in talks for the last 12 months for the business to be sold however sadly the deal has fallen through at the last minute and the lease allowing Cedar Park Schools to operate from Wolverton is due to expire at the end of the week.

“We deeply regret any disruption this closure will undoubtedly cause you all. Our primary concern has always been the wellbeing and development of the children in our care, however we have exhausted all efforts to allow the business to continue and of course with having no lease we have no building to operate from.

“Cedar Park Schools will shortly enter administration and once again we apologise for what will undoubtedly be a terrible inconvenience for everyone.”

However, parents have continued to press for more answers on how the closure has been announced so suddenly. Zoya Ahmed said: “We are deeply distressed by this sudden turn of events and are seeking immediate transparency and accountability regarding the financial and operational aspects of this closure.

“The suddenness of Cedar Park Nursery’s closure has left many families in a difficult position, both logistically and financially. Many of us had paid significant deposits for the upcoming term, and we have received no information regarding the return of these funds.

“This situation has caused considerable distress among parents who relied on Cedar Park Nursery for their childcare needs.”

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