
Time running out for residents to have say on Enfield’s libraries

Consultation on new library strategy closes in March as Enfield Council looks to save money on the service

John Jackson Library
John Jackson Library in Bush Hill Park

Residents have one month left to have their say on a new strategy for the borough’s libraries amid fears that significant cuts are being considered.

Enfield Council launched its consultation shortly before Christmas after it was reported that the civic centre needed to make cuts to its library service.

While a series of drop-in sessions took place throughout January, the consultation remains open until 6th March and residents submit their views online via a questionnaire.

The council states on its website: “We will use your feedback and ideas to help us develop a draft proposal for a new library strategy for Enfield. We will then publish and consult on this draft strategy in summer 2024. We will carefully consider any responses to that consultation and anticipate being able to finalise a new library strategy and implement any changes in early 2025.”

Even though no specific plan to make cuts to the library service has yet been announced, a report published late last year warned that it was “inevitable savings will need to be made”.

Conservative group leader Alessandro Georgiou claimed that the council’s consultation was a “smokescreen for library cuts”.

At present Enfield Council directly runs 16 libraries across the borough while another library is operated by Raynham Primary School. Enfield’s total of 17 libraries is said to be the highest of any London borough.

For more information on the consultation and how to take part:

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