
‘Warm spaces’ available as temperatures plummet

All 17 borough libraries open to residents who need somewhere to stay warm

Ponders End Library
Ponders End Library is among Enfield’s ‘warm spaces’

Enfield residents struggling to pay their heating bills are being encouraged to make use of a new network of ‘warm spaces’ as temperatures across the UK plummet.

Weather warnings for ice were issued as the first real cold spell of the winter hit today (Thursday), with freezing temperatures expected to continue well into next week. There is a small chance of snow in London.

Soaring utility bills, housing costs and food prices have all contributed to a cost-of-living crisis that means many people will be struggling to pay to heat their homes this winter, even with the government assistance that has been provided.

Many local councils have reacted by providing public spaces in the community where residents can go to spend time in a warm room, and Enfield is no different, with all 17 libraries in the borough becoming refuges for vulnerable people.

Library opening times vary but some are open as late as 8pm and also on Sundays. More information can be found on the council’s libraries page here.

As well as the council’s libraries, the national ‘Warm Welcome‘ network enables people to find a heated space somewhere near to them, with businesses and community groups encouraged to sign up to make their own venues available. Among those listed on the website locally are Enfield Alevi Cultural Centre in Great Cambridge Road, Edmonton; St Paul’s Church in Church Hill, Winchmore Hill; and St Luke’s Church in Phipps Hatch Lane, Clay Hill.

A council spokesperson said: “To help residents tackle the cost of living, this council is registering all our libraries with Warm Welcome, a community campaign set up in response to the crisis, to help people find a warm place to go and the support they need. Within our libraries, we are also promoting other warm spaces through this campaign and providing access to information on other support websites.

“In addition, we are enhancing our offer for local residents and making preparations so more people needing support can be welcomed safely into our buildings. We are making arrangements to provide hot drinks and food where facilities allow, spaces to donate winter coats, community and group activities and much more.”

The council’s warm spaces network is being funded with help from the government’s Household Support Fund. For more information on what help is available, visit

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