
Watchdog calls on passengers to have their say in final week of ticket office consultation

London Travelwatch says more the 460,000 people have so far responded to the proposals which affect nine stations in Enfield, reports David Floyd

The ticket office at Winchmore Hill Station is one of those under threat
The ticket office at Winchmore Hill Station is one of those under threat

An independent watchdog has called on passengers to have their say in the final week of a consultation on proposed closures to station ticket offices. 

London Travelwatch says the consultation on proposals from train operators to close the majority of ticket offices in England, including nine in Enfield, has so far received more than 460,000 responses.

The consultation ends on Friday, 1st September, after the previous deadline was extended in July following criticism from politicians and campaigners. 

Michael Roberts, chief executive of London Travelwatch, said: “With more than 460,000 responses received already, it’s clear that there are strong views on the future of ticket offices.

“With a week still left to have your say, it’s not too late to submit a response about your local station.”

Last month Enfield North MP Feryal Clark said the proposals risk “exacerbating the managed decline of the rail network” and urged the government to think again.

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