
Meet the candidates wanting to represent Enfield at City Hall

The Dispatch invited all five candidates for the Enfield and Haringey seat on the London Assembly to make a pitch for people’s votes – here are their responses

The new home for City Hall at The Crystal in East London
City Hall

Londoners head to the polls on Thursday, 2nd May, to elect both a mayor and 25 members of the London Assembly to represent the capital at City Hall for the next four years.

There have been some changes made to the way these elections are held since the last time voting took place. Previously, Londoners could select a first and second preference for mayor, but under the new first-past-the-post electoral system introduced by the government, voters can now only select a single preferred candidate.

For the London Assembly, there are 14 constituency members and eleven who are London-wide. Voters will select one candidate they wish to represent their constituency, and vote again for one of the London-wide party lists. There are two different ballot papers for these votes, making three in total together with the ballot for mayor.

The government has also introduced a new rule that voters must bring photo identification with them when they go to their polling station. Londoners will be doing this for the first time this year.

The full list of 13 mayoral candidates was confirmed last week and is available here.

Below, each of the five contenders for the Enfield and Haringey constituency on the London Assembly have explained why they are standing and what they aim to achieve if elected. They are presented in the order that they were received.

Enfield Climate Action Forum is hosting a climate and environment hustings for the Enfield and Haringey candidates on Monday 8th April from 7pm at The Green Rooms, Station Road, Wood Green N22 6UW.

Katie Knight, Green Party

I’ve spent most of my adult life living in these two boroughs, having recently moved to Enfield after many years in Tottenham; I also work locally as a doctor. I love the vibrancy of the area and the distinctive personalities of different locations, from the bustle of Green Lanes to the calm of Walthamstow Wetlands and wide green spaces of north Enfield.

I believe the Green Party is the strongest force for change in our broken political system. Its fundamental driving principle of equality is something to strive for, with strong policies across the board, and it is only by doing the best thing for our planet that we have a hope of improving lives and livelihoods.

As a doctor, I understand the risk that climate change poses to our health and wellbeing, and I have played a key role within the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to highlight the risks of air pollution, lobbying for clean air to be recognised as a human right. As a member of Enfield Climate Action Forum I have used my professional voice to advocate for the importance of green spaces for improving health.

I am deeply concerned by the lack of affordable housing in Enfield and Haringey and the inequality this perpetuates, as well as the threat to our Green Belt land from profit-hungry developers. I also believe that our boroughs need better public transport infrastructure, and a well-planned transport strategy which considers the needs of all road users on an equal footing.

Find out more about Katie Knight:

Guy Russo, Liberal Democrats Party

I have lived in North London my whole life. I grew up in Enfield and attended Chace Community School before working in many of our great local pubs.

I love our green, vibrant borough. I can’t stand watching it get let down time and time again.

Let’s face it – right now, everything feels broken. Labour have held this seat for too long and take our votes for granted. Looking around, do you feel they have run our area well?

With so many of our services failing while the Conservatives offer decline and Labour offer the status quo, it’s no surprise many have lost trust.

I believe things can be different. With your support, I want to restore trust that politics can deliver real change to our lives in Enfield. I will be the hard-working Liberal Democrat champion our area needs in City Hall.

For starters, I will push TfL to get a basic thing right – make the buses run on time. Some of our local buses are among the worst for delays in London. If elected, I will call for an immediate review of outer London bus services on day one.

I will protect our local parks – from Whitewebbs in the north to Finsbury Park in the south – and champion our local arts and hospitality sectors, making sure they get the support they need.

And I will challenge the Metropolitan Police to reform so they can win back the trust of our communities, not least women, young people and minority groups.

Find out more about Guy Russo:

Joanne McCartney, Labour and Co-operative Party

It has been a difficult few years for many Londoners with the Tory cost-of-living crisis that followed a decade of cuts to our cherished public services.

As your London Assembly member I want to make sure that our city is fairer, greener and more prosperous. It has been an honour to represent Enfield and Haringey.

I have led the mayor’s universal free school meals programme in my role as deputy mayor. All state primary school pupils are now entitled to a healthy school lunch, making sure our children are not hungry but ready to learn.

I have helped raise the pay of thousands of low-income Londoners as London’s living wage commissioner.

I have campaigned for better local transport links, such as the new Superloop bus service, the signalling upgrade for the Piccadilly Line which would allow 36 trains per hour, and for extra trains on the Great Northern and London Overground lines.

I have helped address the causes of crime by delivering preventative programmes giving opportunities to thousands of local young people, and supporting plans to put more police and community support on our streets.

I have made sure Enfield and Haringey get their fair share of the mayor’s trailblazing council homebuilding programme. And I have backed groundbreaking action on clean air, improving our green spaces and tackling climate change.

If re-elected I will stand up for London’s values of fairness and openness and be our community’s strong voice in City Hall. Vote for a fairer London on 2nd May – use all your votes for Labour.

Find out more about Joanne McCartney:

Calum McGillivray, Conservative Party

I am a Londoner first and a Conservative second. Over the last few years, I have become fed up with the lack of attention that our home region receives from City Hall and I intend to be the catalyst for change.

I am a real estate accountant by trade and have been for many years. I have worked on several of the most iconic buildings from our great city’s incredible skyline and so am used to working with large numbers and working within budget.

The London Assembly needs someone like me to not only fight for the residents of Enfield and Haringey, but who can achieve meaningful results by challenging the mayor to utilise Transport for London’s brownfield sites for residential properties, thus leaving our greenfield sites untouched.

This will increase stocks for both rental and privately owned properties. If we can spend £6.3million on renaming a few train lines, then we can find the money for what Londoners actually need.

If you are kind enough to lend me your vote, then I promise to work tirelessly for the next four years to undo the years of neglect and mismanagement that our local leaders have been responsible for.

I believe that the whole of Enfield and Haringey can be a safe and affordable place to live. But we cannot be complacent and right now encouragement and leadership is required. I recognise that there is no silver bullet. It will require hard work.

Find out more about Calum McGillivray:

Roger Gravett, Reform Party

Reform UK has a policy of no new building on our Green Belt in Enfield, so a Reform UK administration would stop this from day one. There are many brownfield sites available, and as TfL is one of the biggest landowners in London, a Reform UK administration would use this TfL land to triple the affordable housing builds. This will particularly benefit young and low-income families.

Reform UK will increase visible policing levels in London. We will install police public access points in busy retail areas. This will reduce anti-social behaviour and retail crime, and make our streets safer.

We will reduce police paperwork, which will allow more bobbies on the beat. Reform UK will make sure we have an integrated bus, tube and train system. We will make sure

all tube and train stations are on a bus route and align with bus timetables. We will scrap LTNs and make driving enjoyable. We will get London moving!

Reform UK will create a favourable environment for small and medium size businesses to set up and thrive in Enfield. This will create jobs for the residents of Enfield and reduce levels of deprivation.

Reform UK will also ensure 5G and stable secure wi-fi connections are available throughout Greater London, to help individuals and improve business communication. This will make walking home at night much safer for everyone.

Find out more about Roger Gravett:

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