
More car thefts in Enfield than any other London borough

Last year saw 1.62 car thefts per 1,000 people in Enfield, higher than anywhere else in the capital

A smashed car window
credit Túrelio via Wikimedia-Commons

Enfield suffered more car thefts per head of population last year than anywhere else in London, new figures show.

The UK saw a marked increase in car thefts and other related car crimes throughout 2023. Experts at ADT analysed the latest government data to determine the areas most targeted by car thefts.

Across the UK, Brentwood in Essex has been the worst hit, with 1.84 car thefts per 1,000 people.

But in London, it was Enfield that had the highest car crime rate, at 1.62 per 1,000. This put the borough ahead of Barking and Dagenham (1.41) and Haringey (1.31).

Enfield’s rate of car crime is so high that it’s now said to be influencing how much drivers in the borough pay for their car insurance.

Louise Thomas, motoring insurance expert at, said: “The cost of car insurance increased by an astonishing 58% over the past twelve months. Where you live and where your car is kept are factors that can impact your policy price, as these can make your car more liable to theft or vandalism.

“The demand for car parts led to an increase in vehicle thefts in 2022 and thieves use several techniques to break into and steal cars.”

ADT says that in terms of payouts for vehicle thefts specifically, 2023’s figure is £196m, a 53% increase on the previous year’s £128m. They say this increase can be attributed to the rising number of car thefts and the increased cost of vehicles, especially the cost of second-hand cars, which increased by 28% from April 2021 to June 2023.

But the firm also has some advice for deterring thieves and making cars more secure. Below are some of its top tips.

  • Don’t leave valuables on display or in the car

Refrain from keeping personal and valuable items in the car. Place these items in your boot or glove compartment if left unattended for long periods. It is also worth getting car insurance, including contents insurance, so you’re not out of pocket if your car is broken into.

  • Make use of your garage or park in a well-lit spot

If you have a garage, you should park in it for extra protection. Alternatively, if you don’t have a garage on your property, parking in a well-lit area can also deter car thieves. Parking under bright street lighting or installing motion-activated lights or lights on a timer via a smart plug can make it harder for car thieves to target your vehicle discreetly.

  • Set up an alarm system or tracking device

Another easy and affordable option is installing a loud alarm to protect your car, which will ward off thieves if it sounds while they are attempting to break in. Another good option is to install a tracking device in your vehicle. This device can help the police recover your car if it is stolen. However, thieves may be wise to such devices, so it may be worth also hiding something discreet such as an AirTag in the vehicle.

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