
Showing why Enfield is open for all

Freya van Lessen from Bloqs on why Enfield is the place to be during this month’s Open House Festival

Angel Yard, a new centre for businesses in Angel Edmonton, will be officially launched during Open House Festival (credit Jan Kattein)
Angel Yard, a new centre for businesses in Angel Edmonton, will be officially launched during Open House Festival (credit Jan Kattein)

When Bloqs first participated in Open House Festival in 2016, it was among a small handful of participants in Enfield and a trickle of enthusiasts visited the workshop.

Eight years later, Enfield is a thriving hotbed of activity and intrigue for Open House attendees to explore. It’s also home to two of the twelve ‘exemplar’ projects chosen by the Greater London Authority for this year’s festival, with Angel Edmonton and Bloqs both proudly selected.

Running UK-wide from 6th-17th September, Open House Festival provides the opportunity to visit locations most often closed to public view, encouraging audiences to explore new places, learn about different communities, and experience diverse architecture first-hand.

Funded by The Enfield Society and running in tandem with Enfield Council’s Festival of Industry, many Open House activities will explore Enfield’s industrial past, present and future. The UK’s first open-access factory, Bloqs, will host a weekend of activity with workshop tours, a guided tour with architect Tom Holdbrook of 5th Studio, courses, machine demos, and an exhibition of Bloqs members’ work.

Acclaimed performing arts theatre Chickenshed will also debut its new musical theatre piece, Woolly Mammoths of Enfield, and Bloqs Kitchen will serve up delicious food and drinks all day.

Visit Fore Street for a plethora of activities including ‘Faith in Industry’ at Fore Street Living Room Library, an event exploring Angel Edmonton’s industrial past and present.

Nearby Angel Yard hosts a collection of 35 workspaces and will be opening its doors on Saturday 16th for visitors to meet its businesses and enjoy art exhibitions at the beautiful new pedestrianised section of Grove Street, where there’ll be food, drink and live music. Jan Kattein Architects will host three guided tours of the new Fore Street interventions – the library, murals and school street as well as Angel Yard. Don’t miss the ribbon-cutting with music and refreshments at 4pm!

Angel Edmonton Public Art and Poetry Trail is a self-guided tour, including Fore Street’s murals, the Our River Lea Poetry Trail celebrating local poet Keith Mowatt, plus recently-installed artworks on shutters and council litter bins as part of the Fore Street Open All Hours Gallery.

Other Open House highlights in Enfield include Forty Hall, a walking tour of Edmonton, The Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield Lock, Christ Church Southgate and Minchenden Oak Garden, Winchmore Hill Friends Meeting House, Lavender Hill Chapel and King George V Pumping Station.

For more details on venues and events during Open House Festival:

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