
My priorities for Chase ward

Newly-elected Tory councillor Andrew Thorp is determined to protect local green spaces

Andrew Thorp
Andrew Thorp won the Chase ward by-election in May

It was an honour to be elected to represent Chase ward at the by-election on 6th May.

Residents feel that they are not being listened to by Enfield Council. From the future of Whitewebbs, to fly-tipping and protecting our precious Green Belt, people feel that their voices are not being heard. I promise to listen and work for all residents in Chase ward.

I was born at Chase Farm Hospital and have lived locally my whole life. My wife and I are raising three children here, and we work and volunteer across the borough. My children are unrivalled at reminding me of what’s important and the power of keeping promises! Enfield is in my heart and it’s this that motivated me to stand for election.

Since the election I have made sure that my time has been focused on action that directly improves the lives of residents. Enfield’s Labour-run council has lost control of our street scene. Fly-tipping is out of control, some days it feels like there’s a fridge or sofa on every corner – this must change.

I am passionate about protecting our green spaces. From Whitewebbs Park to the Green Belt, Enfield’s green spaces are under threat like never before. I have campaigned for 100% public access to be retained at Whitewebbs and have voted against the draft Local Plan.

The Local Plan is a savage attack on our precious Green Belt. It proposes turning Crews Hill into a transport hub and building thousands of properties; ripping up trees and fields and sending in diggers and bulldozers. It will cause irreversible damage to our community and an end to the borough as we know it. Simply put, once the Green Belt is gone, it’s gone forever.

I have spoken to elderly residents who were fighting back tears; they are frightened about what the plan will mean for their children and grandchildren. Employers who fear that the plan will put them out of business, costing dozens of jobs, and children who worry about the air they breathe. This plan is an attack on the environment, an attack on leisure facilities, and an attack on businesses.

The Green Belt is not just an asset for our borough, it’s the lungs of London. Whether you live in Edmonton, Southgate, Enfield Town or Brimsdown, the Green Belt plays a vital role in supporting your physical and mental health.

Councillors are elected to listen to residents and represent their views – for too long this hasn’t happened. I urge all residents to speak up against these plans and respond vigorously to the consultation.

It’s time for change.

Andrew Thorp is a Conservative councillor representing Chase ward, alongside Hass Yusuf (Labour) and Dino Lemonides (Community First):
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