
New ‘artisan craft fair’ coming to Palmers Green this spring

Attendees can expect to find unique and one-of-a-kind pieces, ranging from handcrafted glass ornaments and textiles to pottery, paintings and more

Jars of jam for sale
credit Viktor Forgacs via Unsplash

Local artisans and craft enthusiasts are gearing up for the launch of Fair Makers, a new bi-monthly artisan craft fair set to launch in Palmers Green next month.

The inaugural fair is scheduled to launch in the run-up to Easter on Saturday, 16th March, from 1pm–4 pm at St John The Evangelist Church Hall, Bourne Hill. It will then continue on the third Saturday every other month.

The Fair Makers event promises to be “a celebration of creativity and craftsmanship, showcasing a diverse array of handmade products from talented local artisans”. 

Attendees can expect to find unique and one-of-a-kind pieces, ranging from handcrafted glass ornaments and textiles to pottery, paintings, and more.

Watercolour artist Terry Powell, another driving force behind Fair Makers, shared his enthusiasm and added: “As an artist, I know the value of creating a space for makers to showcase their work. Fair Makers will be an excellent opportunity for artists and the community to connect and appreciate the beauty of handmade and artisan crafts at affordable prices.”

Fair Makers is actively seeking “passionate and skilled artisans” to participate in its inaugural event in Palmers Green. To find out more information about the fair or apply for a stall, contact Terry Powell at [email protected]. Fair Makers can also be found on Instagram and Facebook @FairmakersN13.

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